Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Old Poetry...

These are things I wrote over a year ago... putting them here so they don't get lost :-)

She Loveth a Wizard

In darkest shroud,
From deepest call,
Through the clouds,
My heart doth fall.
An elvish tale
of the Wizard's maze,
A dragon's lair
In a misty haze.
His eyes, my heart
doth holdeth fast,
Love woven, his art,
the shroud is cast.
My heart is his,
'tis mine no more.
The wizard's kiss,
And magic lore
Hath captured all
That lives in me,
From deepest call
within the sea.

Je Peux Voir Ton Masque

I see your mask - Lion
Strong brow that hides your pain
Quiet words written on a page that no one sees
Holding people at arm's length so they can't hurt you.

I see your mask - Lion
But I know better
through your mask I see your eyes
Deep soul like an unexplored ocean
Soft brown eyes that haunt my dreams
A window on your deepest thoughts
Eyes that betray you

Je peux voir ton masque - Lion courageux
Les yeux silencieux dans mes rêves
Les mots - tes mots - dans mes oreilles
Je peux te voir - je le connais
Âme pure - je t'aime

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